
IMBMS neuro2017 Neurology Clinic Management Software for 1 year 32/64 bit

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IMBMS Software Technology Features Patient Registeration Patient Registeration enables the Respective Medical Center to Capture & register a respective patient’s information with a specific Patient ID Code which offers a dynamic feature to track the patient history in occassion of repeate visit to the respective Medical Center. Book An Appointment Book an appointment enables the Respective Medical Center to Book an appointment for a respective patient with a specific Doctor and reports timely alert through SMS & E-mail and a confirmation is parallely circulated to the respective Patient and to the respective Doctor. Generate Bill Generate bill enables the Respective Medical Center a smoothly monitored billing features by which every medical component is captured and the billing history is retained within the system that can be viewed by the Center at any given point of a time. Refer A Patient Refer a patient enables the Respective Medical Center to have a detailed track of the patients who have being refered to External Medical Centers for any kind of Medical Assistance and offers a 360 degree flexible feature and the authorised personal of the Center can view daily/weekly/monthly/yearly analysis as required. All Appointment All appointment enables the Respective Medical Center to view the consolidated appointments of the patients being refered to the External Medical Center / Specific Doctor and retains the complete track record within the Medical System for lifetime that can be viewed by the Medical Center at any given point of a time. Bill History Bill history enables the Respective Medical Center to view the billing breakup that includes specific doctor’s consultation charges & other medical components/medical services offered to a specific patient, Doctor who has attended the respective patient, and the Center can e-mail a soft copy of the bill to the patient or print a copy of the same. View Referrals View referrals enables the Respective Medical Center to retain a master tracker of the patients being refered to external medical center, Medical Services that have been obtained by the respective patient and a complete referral history of the patient with a specific date/time.