Urban Platter Powdered Peanut Butter Chocolate, 500g / 17.6oz [All Natural, Protein Rich, Low Calorie]With significantly less fat and 2x times the proteins than regular peanut butter, Urban Platter Powdered Peanut butter is definitely an appealing option.A favorite nutritional tool of athletes, dieters, gym goers and bodybuilders as an easy, delicious way to get healthy fat and protein into their diet.Want to make a delicious, healthy protein shake? Add 2-3 scoops of the powdered peanut butter into your smoothie blend to add a great natural peanut flavor and lots of protein!Easy to Use – Sprinkle onto oatmeal, Blend into smoothies, Mix into batters, Use it to flavor sauces, Sprinkle onto popcorn and on anything you want peanut flavor too!
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