
SHREE EXIM Stevia Liquid – Sugarfree Leaves Extract -Natural Drops Sweetener ( 60 ml ) Sweetener(60 ml, Pack of 4)

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Shree exim stevia drops are perfect for usage in juices, shakes, smoothies, mocktails/cocktails etc. Shree exim is a welcome option for health and calorie conscious and diabetic people who want to ingest natural ingredients. 1 Drop is equivalent to 1 tsp of sugar sweetness. Heat stable up to 220 degree Celsius. Stevia rebaudiana is a natural sweetener with zero calories has recently found widespread use in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It is the sweetest gift from mother nature called as sweet leaf of Paraguay, sweet herb, honey leaf, honey yerba, candy leaf, madhu parni etc. The leaves of this sweet herb have been used for centuries as sweetener to counteract the bitter taste of various plant based medicines and beverages by indigenous Guarani Indians of the Paraguayan highlands. Leaves of stevia accumulate sweet tasting diterpene glycosides such as stevioside and rebaudiosides which are upto 100-300 times sweeter than sucrose. Shade dried leaves of stevia are 10 to 15 times sweeter than sucrose. Glycemic index of sweetening compounds of this plant is zero with no caloric value. The worldwide demand for zero calorie natural sweeteners is increasing because of consumer awareness about harmful effects of artificial sweeteners on human health. Most of the artificial sweeteners are produced from synthetic ingredients by chemical synthesis in the laboratory. In last few decades, consumption of food products enriched with sugars and artificial sweeteners has favoured the development of various chronic diseases endangering the human health. Obesity and diabetes are the main characteristic diseases developed due to excessive intake of sugars having high calorific values. Steviodal glycosides from stevia offer a solution for prevention of complex diabetic problems and obesity.