
Ram Anti-virus 2 User 2 Years(Voucher)

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Malware Removal tool- RAM malware removal has the strength to shed all types of malware which are malicious and damaging to your computer. These are often coming through the internet while you are browsing on the web. It automatically restrains or cleans all infected files upon detection. Discovers and quarantines Trojans, adware, spyware, worms, and other malware. Allows execution of customized scripts and automation of malware removal. Stops Ransomware Attacks-No business is immune from the threat of ransomware. When your systems come under ransomware attack, It can be a frightening and challenging situation to manage. Ram Antivirus will prevent Ransomware by Early Threat Detection Systems & if system is already infected,It will remove ransomware by running Frequent Scheduled Security Scans. Zero Day Malware Protection – Once the vulnerability has been learned, It will immedieately create patches and fixes to mitigate the effects of malwares by updating itself. Antimalware – It guards your computer against malicious software, also known as malware. By removing all malwares and protect you from hidden threats. Machine Learning Static Malware detection- It learns and trains itself to predict the malwares through the static feature extraction technique.