
Pets Empire Bodacious Bites Ding Wooden Bird Toy, Multicolor Bird Play Stand

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SKU: 324240 Category:


Pets Empire Bird Toys provide hours of foot and beak exercise as your bird pulls, chomps and grips a variety of shapes and textures. Designed to provide mental and physical stimulation, bodacious Bites ding is made from solid hardwood, plastic beads and features a bird safe bell. All materials are 100% safe, made with food grade coloring and quick-link attachments letting you easily connect toy to cage. Our bird toys are handmade and actual measurements may vary slightly. As always, supervise birds at play. Our bodacious Bites ding bird toy is approximately 2 1/4-Inch long, 1 1/4-Inch wide and 7 1/2-inch high, ideal for extra small and small birds.