Palmy’s Palmsure PPP250g Jaggery(250 g)

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Palm Candy (In Tamil- Panakarkandu) is produced from the sweet Neera from sap of Palmyra Palm Tree. Palm Candy is nutrient rich, Low Glycemic Crystalline sweetener; it is completely natural. It has a number of minerals, vitamins, calcium, iron & potassium. The sugar content in palm sugar is well balanced. It is a good source of Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12. PalmPure is an essential part of many Ayurvedic medicines and traditional remedies. Acts as a cleansing agent for our body . Speeds up the process of digestion. It is used since ancient times to treat problems such as dry cough, common cold and asthma. It is beneficial in treating conditions like indigestion and constipation.