
NutroActive Whole Ground Flax Seeds Flour Alsi Atta 350 gm(350 g)

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NutroActive flax seeds flour is manufactured by grinding the ground flax seeds. It is made from pure ground flax seeds and has anti-inflammatory effects. Flaxseeds are an excellent source of plant based omega 3 fatty acids. Its a combination of healthy fats and fibre making it a great food for weight loss and maintenance. Flaxseed could help you improve digestion and balances hormones in the body. It contains essential vitamins and minerals for maintaining good health. #NutroActive #Flaxseed flour is low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for people who limit their intake of starches and sugars. Flaxseed flour provides fibre that help stabilize blood sugar levels in the body. Flaxseeds flour has both soluble and insoluble fibres that promotes proper functioning of the intestines. Use it to make pancakes, muffin and cakes. Flaxseed flour can be used as a substitute for eggs in some baked goods as well as replacement for some of the flour.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Pack of





Multigrain Flour


350 g

Maximum Shelf Life

6 Months

Is Perishable




Used For

Cooking, Baking

Model Name

Whole Ground Flax Seeds Flour Alsi Atta 350 gm


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