NutroActive Digestive Atta contains 25% fibers as against 14% in normal wheat flour i.e. each chapatti made up of 20 g will contains 5 g fibers. Flours are important part of our diet, fortifying flours with dietary fibers is the easiest way to get additional health benefits because dietary fibers plays an important role in maintaining human health. Dietary Fibers are among the 7 most important nutrient protein, fat, carbohydrate, fibers, vitamin, mineral and water for human being. Dietary fibers are of two type insoluble dietary fiber and soluble dietary fiber. Insoluble fibers are provided by wheat and soluble fibers are provided by oats. BrownXatta Digestive Atta contains both types of fiber. Dietary fiber is important in maintaining blood sugar for diabetic person, managing cholesterol, weight management, managing digestive system and works as antioxidants.
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