
Nutrizo’s Sugar Fighter Stevia Tablets Sweetener(100 Tablets)

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SKU: 491243 Category:


Nutrizos sugar fighter tablets are easy to use and can also be carried anywhere which makes it comfortable to carry while traveling and control the sugar intake. These sugar-free tablets are 100% natural, 100% vegetarian and is free from artificial products like sucralose, Lactose, and Dextrose and is 100% organic. Nutrizos sugar-free tablets are ideal to reduce the sugar intake by boosting metabolism and maintaining the sweetness in the diet. These tablets are easy to carry and can be easily dissolved in any hot or cold beverages all it needs to just add and stir and it gets dissolved. These tablets are zero calories tablets and are a fat-free product that helps the diabetic patients to control calorie intake and available in a pack of 100 tablets and each tablet equal 2-3 teaspoons of sugar.