
Lsoit PHP ProgrammingTutorials DVD(DVD)

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Fundamentals of Programming Languages


PHP, Introduction of Php, The Origin Of Php – CD1, Features Of Php – CD1, Why Use Php – CD1, How Php Works With The Web Server – CD1, Interfaces To External Systems – CD1, What You Should Know – CD1, Hardware And Software Requirements – CD1, Installing Wamp In Windows – CD1, Important Points Related To Wamp – CD1, Making Mysql Password Protected – CD1, Installing Notepad++ – CD1, Writing First Php Script – CD1, Php Tags – CD1, Embedding With Html – CD1, Hello World Script – CD1, Execution Of Php Page – CD1, Comments – CD1, Variables – CD1, Outputting Static Data To The Browser – CD1, Outputting Dynamic Data To The Browser – CD1, Expression Operand And Operators – CD1, Arithmetic Operator – CD1, Assignment Operators – CD1, Equality Operator – CD1, String Operator – CD1, Increment And Decrement Operator – CD1, Comparison Operator – CD1, Logical Operator – CD1, Logical Operator(Example) – CD1, Bitwise Operator – CD2, Example Of Bitwise And And Or – CD2, Operator Precedence – CD2, Operator Associativity – CD2, Constants – CD2, Datatypes – CD2, Integers And Floats – CD2, Strings Functions – CD2, Strings – CD2, Boolean – CD2, Arrays – CD2, Objects – CD2, Resources – CD2, Null Types – CD2, Type Juggling – CD2, If Statement – CD2, The Else Statements – CD2, The Elseif Statements – CD2, Some Complex Comparision – CD2, Switch Statement – CD2, The Ternary Operator – CD2, While Loop – CD2, Do While Loop – CD2, For Loop – CD2, Foreach Loop – CD2, Foreach Loop Example – CD2, Nested Loop – CD2, Continue Statement – CD2, Break Statement – CD2, Goto Statement – CD2, Functions – CD2, Creating Function – CD2, Passing Arguments By Value – CD2, Scope Of Variable – CD2, Passing Arguments By Reference – CD2, Default Argument Values – CD2, Return Statement – CD2, Calculating Factorial Of The Number – CD2, Recursive Function – CD2, Array Revised – CD3, Associative Array – CD3, Adding Array Elements – CD3, Removimg Array Elements – CD3, Locating Array Elements – CD3, Array_Walk Method – CD3, Determining Array Size And Uniqueness – CD3, Merging And Combining Arrays – CD3, Array Intersection – CD3, Array Differences – CD3, Sorting – CD3, Array Of An Array – CD3, What Is Oop – CD3, Classes And Objects – CD3, Oops Fundamental Concept – CD3, Creating Classes – CD3, Property Or Method Scope – CD3, Public Property – CD3, Private Property – CD3, __Set And __Get Methods – CD3, Constants In A Class – CD3, Methods – CD3, Constructor – CD3, Destructor – CD3, Static Members – CD3, Instanceof Keyword – CD3, Autoloading Classes And Object(Part1) – CD3, Autoloading Classes And Object(Part2) – CD3, Oops Features Not Supported By Php – CD3, Object Cloning – CD3, __Clone Method – CD3, Inheritence – CD3, Inheritance And Constructors – CD3, Interfaces – CD3, Single Interfaces – CD3, Abstract Classes – CD3, Multiple Interface – CD3, Include Statement – CD4, Conditional Include – CD4, Other Inclusion Statements – CD4, Regular Expressions – CD4, Brackets And Quantifiers – CD4, Predefined Character Ranges – CD4, Performing A Search – CD4, Replacing Text – CD4, Searching An Array – CD4, Matching All Occurrences Of A Pattern – CD4, Comparing Two Strings – CD4, Similarity Between Two Strings – CD4, Manipulating String Case – CD4, Converting Newline Characters To Html Break Tags – CD4, Converting Array To String – CD4, File Introduction – CD4, Understanding File Permissions – CD4, File Accessing – CD4, Writing To Files – CD4, Deleting Files – CD4, Moving Pointer – CD4, Reading Files – CD4, File Details – CD4, Working With Directories – CD4, Unix Timestamp – CD4, Validating Dates – CD4, Formatting Dates – CD4, Working With Time – CD4, Working With Timestamp – CD4, Datetime Class – CD4, Introduction – CD5, Sending Mail By Senmail – CD5, Using Postcast Server – CD5, Downloading Phpmailer – CD5, Sending Mails By Using Phpmailer – CD5, Execption – CD5, Raising Exception – CD5, Creating Links – CD5, Passing Data From One Page To Another – CD5, Encoding – CD5, Forms – CD5, Cookies – CD5, Sessions – CD5, Headers – CD5, Page Redierction Through Headers – CD5, Output Buffering – CD5, Mysql Intro – CD5, Creating Database – CD5, Performing Curd Operations – CD5, Php With Mysql(Part1) – CD5, Php With Mysql(Part2) – CD5, Phpmyadmin – CD5, Phpmyadmin Features – CD5, Debugging – CD5, Blueprint – CD6, Cms Database – CD6, Relational Database – CD6, Projectsetup – CD6, Staff Menu – CD6, Includes – CD6, Inserting Records – CD6, Using Database – CD6, Navigation – CD6, Refactoring – CD6, Navigation Links – CD6, Getting Values – CD6, Selected Links – CD6, Find Subject – CD6, Finding Pages – CD6, Creating New Subject – CD6, Creating Subject Form – CD6, Storing In Database – CD6, Mysql Escape Sequences – CD6, Validation – CD6, Edit Subject(Part1) – CD6, Edit Subject(Part2) – CD6, Updation – CD6, Messages – CD6, Deletion – CD6, Page Curd(Part1) – CD6, Page Curd(Part2) – CD6, Public Area – CD6, Public Navigation – CD6, Role Of Visible Attribute – CD6, Overview Of Login Part – CD6, Encryption – CD6, Login Page – CD6, Authorization – CD6, Confrimaccess – CD6, Logout – CD6, Conclusion – CD6., Free updates available for all subjects at your registered emails, All subjects steps by steps learning through video tutorials In Hindi DVD., Every member at your home can learn through one DVD., You can learn at anytime of your choice, These tutorials are put in serial order, so that you can learn yourself step by step., The tutorials are in Hindi and English mix language, which gives you comfort at the time of learning., It feels like the teacher is sitting beside you., You can also learn again if you think you have forgotten any topic. it is very easy way to learn computer in hindi language.

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PHP ProgrammingTutorials DVD


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PHP ProgrammingTutorials DVD

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1GHz Processor

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512 MB

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Window7, Window8, WindowXP, Windows 2023




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