Future Point has launched Leostar Expert Edition for experts which is latest and very advanced edition of popular astrology software Leostar. Leostar Expert Edition for experts is upgraded version of world number one vedic astrology software Leostar Professional. It contains all those facilities which are essentially needed and demanded by expert astrologers’ community. This software is upgraded business tool for a professional astrologer as it not only includes all the features of Leostar Professional but also gives comprehensive horoscopes like Bhrigupatrika, Kundlidarpan, ParasharPatrika etc. In addition to that the 30 year report of around 300 pages can also be obtained.Daily, monthly & yearly predictions have been introduced for the first time.Special detailed packages on remedies like Gems, Rudraksha, Sadesati, Pitridosha & others have been added.Its Gem recommendation(Ratna Vichar) software is widely accepted by all professional astrologers as it recommends the most appropriate gem always.It also gives Sadesati’s detailed description and predictions in detail for all three cycles.
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