After hard weight training studies show that up to 40% of muscle growth occurs during the recovery phase of sleep, the deep satisfying sleep that occurs when you dream and are truly rested. MASS GAINER PROTEIN is ideal to take before sleeping as it provides a sustained release of muscle building nutrients for up to 7 hours while the calming herbs help you awake rested and full of energy. This revolutionary combination MASS GAINER PROTEIN is designed to stimulate the two most potent anabolic mechanisms in the muscle building process nitrogen retention and protein synthesis and when used regularly, this mega potent anabolic stack can help support extremely rapid and significant gains in lean body mass gains that may go far beyond your expectations. Formulated for the hard gainer, fast athletes and Power lifters MASS GAINER PROTEIN is scientifically designed to act as a muscle catalyst. For individuals with a fast metabolism, gaining muscle size and strength can be a tricky task, this is why MASS GAINER PROTEIN boosts your calorific intake with the right nutrients to assist your training goals. MASS GAINER PROTEIN when taken as part of a calorie controlled and healthy diet, the ingredients contained within this product can contribute to the maintenance of lean muscle and give an additional source of fibre.
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