Krud Kutter Sports Cleaner Stain Remover

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Krud Kutter Sports Cleaner & Stain Remover removes ground-in grass, red clay stains, dirt and grease from uniforms, apparel and equipment.Sports Cleaner & Stain Remover is color fast and fabric safe. It is ideal for difficult to clean sports uniforms, jerseys,athletic apparel, and all equipment. Also ideal for cleaning tough stains, such as dried latex paint,from work clothes. Deodorizes as it cleans and helps deter future odors. Contains brightening agents to keep uniforms looking like new. Removes tough, ground-in stains from grass, red clay, blood, sweat, dirt, grease, oil, mud, and food spills. Even removes stains from coffee, cola, red wine, spaghetti sauce, shoe polish and more.Works great on pet stains and odors. For more details, please visit the parent website of Rust-Oleum, USA or Online Store of the Indian Partner TRUWORTH