Kaykon Kesar Honey is an exquisite blend of honey with Kashmiri kesar. Its a great source of antioxidants, minerals. Kashmiri Kesar present in honey has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties It also has stimulant, rejuvenative, expectorant, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic and stomachic properties. Together they offer a unique blend of health-giving nutrients and taste. Flavonoids are potent radical scavengers and, thus able to reduce many aging and degenerative events including reactive oxygen species We can use honey for everything. In fact, it is recommended to use only honey for our daily need of sugars. Which is indeed a very difficult task, as sugar is inserted in everything in our markets, from milk to meat. But we can replace the sugar in our home made cakes, in our coffee, teas, use it instead of jam and in so many other ways. And yes, we can use it in our cooking as well. Of course it is recommended to be eaten raw, which means unheated, but it doesnt matter if besides raw honey we also eat heated honey in our cooking. Fragrance is of honey and as a rule, the darker the honey, the higher the polyphenol content, the bigger the antioxidant properties.
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