A simple and easy-to-prepare alternative for working, and college-going class to save massive time in preparing a meal. Order this quick and easy to prepare dish and satiate your hunger pangs with healthy and nutritious food. This pack contains ready to eat Moong Dal Halwa from the house of ready to eat. The product is without MSG or preservatives. The product is 100% natural and is dehydrated without the use of any preservatives or additives. Its easy to find all the essentials for a quick dessert and send a prepared meal, so you can spend less time worrying about meal prep. Our heat-and-serve gourmet meals arrive pre-cooked, so all you have to do is warm them in the oven before dinnertime. Use this Moong Dal Halwa to recreate the original flavours of the popular dishes in minutes at home. These products are prepared using advanced vacuum freeze-drying technology which removes water from the food and rehydrates immediately when you add water again. We ensured that our Moomg Dal Halwa has the same nostalgic feeling that makes you miss home, while you are away. Our ready-made foods are sourced from trusted suppliers, which results in a superior quality product, making our meals extremely appetizing and nutritious.
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