Intro – With the goal of providing a nutritious and convenient diet to the nations youth, we have developed an innovative range of revitalizing juices, rich in essential antioxidants and boosters for the ultimate state of wellness, with zero side effects. Available in easy-to-consume shots, they are convenient to carry, while retaining their natural essence and beneficial traits. Infused with tender bases, they are both delicious and nutritious, and most effective when consumed daily, on an empty stomach. So join us and re-invent the ancient science of Ayurveda, to lead better lives with just a single sip, accelerating healthy living and complete wellness on-the-go, and echoing our commitment to Quality, Purity, and Transparency.MADE IN THEMOTHERLAND :- 1. Conceptualized andManufactured at a world-classGMP certified facility amidstSerenity in Ambala, Haryana2. Products distributed acrossthe globePURE AND FRESHINGREDIENTS :-1. A delicious base, pure spicesand herbs are prime ingredients2. All ingredients are carefullyprocured from our owned farms,delivering stellar qualityAYURVEDA ATITS FORE :-1. Traditional Ayurvedic recipes,effective herbs, and powerfulantioxidants used for all shots2. The modern Ayurveda-scienceblend ensures completewellbeing while maintaininga delightful tasteSTATE-OF-THE-ARTPRODUCT RANGE :- 1. A novel range of healthy tasty,and simply irresistible superfoodalternatives to cater to allage-groups2. Manufacturing machinery ofinternational standards, sans anymicrobial contamination or ahand-touch process, adhering tothe highest level of hygiene
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