Green Canteens raw wildflower honey is Unfiltered, Unprocessed Raw, straight from the Beehives on Wild trees! It is Unheated, Unprocessed, Unpasteurized and Unadulterated. It is Just strained enough to retain all Enzymes & Goodness. Raw honey is honey (nectar from flowers) that is pure, unheated, unfiltered, unpasteurized and unprocessed. This is perhaps one of the most important characteristics and health benefits of the final product, as it preserves all the natural vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients and other nutritional elements. True raw honey also constitutes Bee Pollen and Bee Propolis which is completely destroyed in commercial honey found on Supermarket shelves as it is heated, processed, pasteurized, filtered and most of the time mixed with synthetic sweeteners like corn syrups.
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