Graminway Neem Honey is unheated and unpasteurized, and therefore retains all the beneficial immunity-boosting enzymes, antioxidants, and minerals of natural Neem flower honey. It soothes a sore throat and helps with digestive issues. The mild refreshing sweetness of our 100% pure Naam Honey makes it an excellent, low-calorie substitute for sugar! At Graminway, we believe that everyone deserves to live a full and healthy life. The intake of our food supplements will provide a good foundation for a healthy lifestyle. We are committed to providing highest quality products at affordable price. We are a company with a purpose beyond profit and want to make a lasting difference in the World. Graminway aims to provide clean, natural, and healthy products without compromising on the flavours and taste. We produce them in small batches, which helps maintain freshness and preserve the ingredient texture. By not stockpiling, each product is as fresh as possible when it reaches your doorstep.
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