
GEONIX SATA 320 GB Desktop Internal Hard Disk Drive (HDD) (GX320)(Interface: SATA, Form Factor: 3.5 inch)

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GEONIX 320TB SATA Hard disk for desktop comes with a 2 year warranty, quiet operation with massive capacity. The advantage of cool & quiet Heat has a large impact on the overall reliability of a HDD’s life over. HDD that transfers data from your PC to this HDD to free up space and enjoy a better computing experience HDD Setup is straightforward, simply plug in the included USB cable and you are ready to go. A hard plate drive (HDD), hard circle, hard circle drive, or fixed circle is an electromechanical information stockpiling gadget that utilizes attractive memory and at least one unbending quick pivoting circles covered with attractive materials to store and recover advanced information. The plate is matched with an attractive head, which is generally organized on a moving actuator arm to peruse and compose information on the outer layer of the circle. Information is gotten to in arbitrary access, and that implies that singular information squares can be put away and recovered in any request. HDD is a non-unstable memory that holds put away information in any event, when the power is off. Present day HDDs generally appear as little rectangular boxes .for more detail requirement of HHD kindly reach out to our customer support: 011 41306524