Egor Produce Unprocessed Wild Forest Honey(250 g)

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Bees, buzzing through the wildflowers in the jungles of Uttarakhand, collect the nectar and convert it into this elixir we call honey. Being unprocessed, every bottle is unique in taste and composition. What remains the same is the quality, the rawness and the blasts of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that make honey a great health booster. About Egor Produce : We are organic promoters, clean eating crusaders, back to food basics believers, eating local followers! As a startup, founded by two young entrepreneurs, Ex-Shell and IITB Alumni, we are looking to make the world a better place to live, through our organic, natural and clean eating products! For us the quality of our products is non-negotiable. We as an organisation believe buying food isn’t a mere transaction but an experience which should be personal, warm and informative. Our USP: Our Products are unique because they have been carefully selected in tangent to our mission of promoting organic, natural and clean eating food while giving importance to homegrown products. We as a company intend to bring people back to food basics in a highly processed food driven market. We are doing this by creating awareness and providing options such as organic jaggery and raw unprocessed honey in lieu of refined sugars.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Pack of



Egor Produce

Model Name

Unprocessed Wild Forest Honey


250 g

Source Type

Honey Bee

Honey Form

Raw Honey

Container Type

Glass Bottle

Maximum Shelf Life

12 Months




Raw Unprocessed Wildforest Honey


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