
Easy Learning Professional Python Programmer Video Training on 3 DVDs(DVD)

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Duration : 34.5 hours290 Video LessonsSection 1: Python programming for beginners 1 Installation Preview 09:31 2 Print and Strings Preview 07:47 3 Math 02:46 4 Variables 04:49 5 While Loops 06:00 6 For Loops 05:00 7 If Statements 06:43 8 If Else Statements 04:01 9 If Elif Else Statements 10:21 10 Functions Preview 05:03 11 Function Parameters 14:04 12 Global and Local Variables 09:13 13 Common Python Errors 11:35 14 Writing to a File 04:29 15 Appending to a File 03:23 16 Reading From a File 03:34 17 Classes Preview 04:23 18 Input and Statistics 07:22 19 Import Syntax 06:38 20 Making Modules 06:20 21 Error Handling – Try and Accept 13:10 22 Lists vs Tuples and List Manipulation 10:34 23 Dictionaries 08:14 24 Final Project 2 pages 25 Final Project Solution 26:15 Section 2: Python web programming 26 Introduction Preview 04:24 27 Python Programming Introduction 01:07 28 Object Oriented Programming Part 1 08:25 29 Object Oriented Programming Part 2 07:16 30 Modules Part1 Preview 09:11 31 Modules Part2 06:58 32 Python Programming Recap 00:42 33 Basic Database (SQLite) with Python Introduction 00:52 34 SQLite Introduction 08:15 35 Creating Database And Table 07:17 36 Inserting Data 06:06 37 Inserting Dynamic Data 04:32 38 Reading Data 06:41 39 Limit, Update, and Delete 07:59 40 Basic Database (SQLite) with Python Recap 03:18 41 Using Python with the Internet Introduction 00:51 42 urllib module 05:17 43 urllib.requests 09:42 44 urllib headers 08:15 45 XML Intro 05:54 46 Parsing XML 08:34 47 Using Python with the Internet Recap 01:27 48 Working with HTML Introduction 01:10 49 Web Page Structure 08:14 50 Web Page Structure 2 07:31 51 Nav bar 09:01 52 HTMLs body 08:04 53 Comments, footers, and divs 08:27 54 Parsing Paragraph Data 07:07 55 Working with HTML Recap 01:20 56 Intro to Web Server Programming 03:45 57 Creating a VPS 06:58 58 Interacting with our VPS 09:26 59 FileZilla 08:18 60 PySFTP 08:16 61 Web Server Programming Recap 01:05 62 MySQL database with Python Introduction 01:21 63 MySQL basics 09:33 64 MySQL Part 2 08:49 65 Database Connection 09:04 66 Inserting into Database 09:39 67 Adding logic to insert 08:17 68 Nohup 09:25 69 Crontab 06:12 70 MySQL database with Python Recap 01:44 71 Python’s Flask Web development Framework Introduction 01:35 72 Flask setup 08:52 73 Flask backend setup 09:30 74 Basic Website 09:19 75 Templates and Errors 09:14 76 Variables And Logic 08:51 77 Bootstrap incorporation 09:00 78 More on Bootstrap 10:20 79 Adding more pages to our site 07:36 80 Extending Templates 07:50 81 Additional Information 09:42 82 Section Conclusion 01:39 Section 3: Data visualization with python and matplotlib 83 Introduction Preview 03:01 Download and install Matplotlib + prepare for course. 84 Getting Matplotlib And Setting Up 05:44 85 Different types of basic Matplotlib charts Introduction 01:18 86 Basic matplotlib graph 08:14 87 Labels, titles and window buttons 08:39 88 Legends 04:56 89 Bar Charts Preview 05:12 90 Histograms 06:50 91 Scatter Plots 06:48 92 Stack Plots 08:40 93 Pie Chart 07:12 94 Loading data from a CSV 05:04 95 Loading data with NumPy 04:50 96 Different types of basic Matplotlib charts Recap 00:50 97 Basic Customization Options Introduction 01:17 98 Source for our Data* 09:59 99 Parsing stock prices from the internet* 09:17 100 Plotting basic stock data* 06:10 Lessons 101 to 150101 Modifying labels and adding a grid* 06:12 102 Converting from unix time and adjusting subplots* 08:00 103 Customizing ticks 05:55 104 Fills and Alpha 06:47 105 Add, remove, and customize spines* 08:05 106 Candlestick OHLC charts* 09:45 107 Styles with Matplotlib* 07:32 108 Creating our own Style* 09:27 109 Live Graphs* 08:49 110 Adding and placing text* 06:12 111 Annotating a specific plot* 08:34 112 Dynamic annotation of last price* 08:20 113 Basic Customization Options Recap 01:44 114 Advanced Customization Options Introduction 01:00 115 Basic subplot additions* 08:28 116 Subplot2grid * 08:05 117 Incorporating changes to candlestick graph* 07:24 118 Creating moving averages with our data* 10:01 119 Adding a High minus Low indicator to graph* 05:30 120 Customizing the dates that show* 10:18 121 Label and Tick customizations* 07:52 122 Share X axis* 07:20 123 Multi Y axis* 10:04 124 Customizing Legends* 09:41 125 Advanced Customization Options Recap 01:21 126 Geographical Plotting with Basemap Introduction 01:19 127 Downloading and installing Basemap 06:22 128 Basic basemap example 09:26 129 Customizing the projection 09:01 130 More customization, like colors, fills, and forms of boundaries 06:50 131 Plotting Coordinates* 09:45

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Professional Python Programming

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3 DVDs

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Professional Python Programmer Video Training on 3 DVDs


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Easy Learning

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15 GB

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Windows & MAC


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