
Easy Learning ASP.NET MVC 5 Video Course On 2 DVDs(DVD)

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Over 48 lectures and 6.30 hours of content Lesson 1: ASP.NET MVC Programming FundamentalsLearning Objectives1.1: Build a basic controller1.2: Handle querystring variables1.3: Handle form postsLesson 2: View FundamentalsLearning Objectives2.1: Understand View Basics2.2: Build views using Razor2.3: Use view helpers2.4: Customize Razor views: Layout sections and strongly-typed viewsLesson 3: Model Fundamentals Learning Objectives3.1: Model your domain3.2: Pass data to the view3.3: Use strongly-typed modelsLesson 4: Routing Learning Objectives4.1: Design route URLs4.2: Route a URL to a controller4.3: Create dynamic routes4.4: Generate URLs from routesLesson 5: Controllers in Depth Learning Objectives5.1: Extend controllers with filters5.2: Extend controllers with action results5.3: Test MVC applicationsLesson 6: Model in Depth Learning Objectives6.1: Use model binding6.2: Extend the model binding with value providers6.3: Build view-specific models with AutoMapperLesson 7: Views in Depth Learning Objectives7.1: Manage code duplication7.2: Use partial views for common page sections7.3: Assemble complex pages with child actions7.4: Organize large applications with areas7.5: Develop MVC for the iPad and iPhone with responsive design7.6: Target and test iPad and iPhone with mobile display modesLesson 8: Templates and Validation Learning Objectives8.1: Build consistent forms with templated helpers8.2: Control selection of editor and display templates8.3: Customizing templates8.4: Validate user input with DataAnnotations and ModelStateLesson 9: AJAX and jQuery Learning Objectives9.1: Apply jQuery for HTML features9.2: Enable unobtrusive JavaScript validation for forms9.3: Add AJAX callbacks easily with AjaxHelperLesson 10: Web APILearning Objectives10.1: Use the fundamentals of HTTP10.2: Create web services with Web API and MVC10.3: Use Web API for jQuery AJAX calls

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Weight 0.5 kg

Fundamentals of Programming Languages



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2 DVDs

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ASP.NET MVC 5 Video Course On 2 DVDs


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Easy Learning

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5 GB

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Windows & MAC


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