
E.F.M Filter Cartridge Kit with Carbon Gold and Sediment Gold for water purifiers Solid Filter Cartridge(0.005, Pack of 2)

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Carbon filters remove contaminantsthrough adsorption. Adsorption meansthat contaminants are attracted to thesurface of the activated carbon and heldto it, much the same way a magnetattracts and holds iron filings.Carbon filters also act as acatalyst to change the chemicalcomposition of somecontaminants. Activated carbonis ideal for removing chlorine,organic chemicals such aspesticides, THMs likechloroform, and many VOCs thatare components of gasoline,solvents and industrial cleaners.Sediment filters remove visible particulatematter, and any particles of dirt, sand, dust,and debris that can be caught by its micronrated capacity. Sediment filters also removeturbidity from water. Turbidity is thecloudiness caused in water by the heavypresence of suspended solids. This causeswater to turn yellow, orange, or brown.Sediment filters are importantcomponents of watertreatment systems. Anytimewater has dirt, debris, or fineparticulate, a sediment filter isnecessary. Sediment filters arealso vital in ensuring otherfilters and water filtrationequipment can operateefficiently.For Customer Support(Customer Care Number) : 9810924293, 9810674293, 9205538574.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Sales Package

1pc- EFM Carbon Gold Filter, 1pc- EFM Sediment Gold Filter, 4pcs- Elbow Connector Fitting



Model Name

Filter Cartridge Kit with Carbon Gold and Sediment Gold for water purifiers



Filter Material

Polypropylene (PP)

Micron Rating


Filtration Stages


Used For

All Types Of Domestic RO+UV+UF+TDS Water Purifier, Undersink/Open RO Water Purifier


29 cm


0.7 kg


5.5 cm


6 cm


29 cm


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