Holiday Food – DR.FISH special fish Vacation food complete nutrition fish foodDR Fish Holiday Fish food is a Long-lasting concentrated food to use in aquarium during long-term absence.The food slowly dissolves in water and ensures a balanced nutrition to all kind of tropical fresh water fish. Feeding Guide : Simply place the block in your aquarium and it will dissolve gradually.One bock will feed 20 average sized fish in a 40 litre tank for 3 to 4 days.Suitable for tropical, cold water and marine fish.Nutramin consists of real freeze dried tubifex worms with essential vitamins and minerals.It is recommended to keep temperature constant at 30-35 degree Celcius.Ingredients : Micro Fish Feed, Tubifex worms, Hydrochloride, ferrum, alkaline,Magnesium, Calcium Sulphate, Vitamin D3, Micro nutrients.
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