
Desi Swadesi A2 DESI GIR COW GHEE 1 LITRE 1 L Glass Bottle

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Why choose A2 Gir Cow Ghee? In Gir cow Surya Ketu vein running from the hump, on interaction with solar rays, produces gold salts in her blood. These salts are present in the milk and other body-fluids. Because of this, the Desi Gir cow’s milk, butter and ghee have a golden hue and are full of nutrients and minerals. Scientific fact This is the only Ghee that melts Below Human Body Temperature, it melts at 35 Celsius and human body temp is 37 degrees, which makes our body to absorb easily whereas all other ghees melt at 40 to 45 degrees, which makes it difficult to absosorb and causes cholesterol and other health related issues. Benefits of consuming this ghee: 1. Decreases Bad Cholestrol and increases Good Cholesterol Levels 2. Slows down aging process 3. Enhances and improves eye sight 4. It contains vitamin A2 E and D with omega three properties 5. Increases memory & enhances brain function Switch to Desi Swadesi’s Bilona ghee, now. Our Process to Make Pure Desi A2 Gir CoewGhee Step 1: Fresh, raw, unprocessed A2 Gir Cow milk is boiled and converted into curd in a clay pot. Step 2: Curd is then hand churned with a wooden churner, a method traditionally called ‘Bilona’. Step 3: The makkhan (butter) obtained in the process is then separated. Step 4: The separated makkhan is then boiled in a thick iron vessel on mild cow dung cake fire.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg

Desi Swadesi

Model Name


Container Type

Glass Bottle


1 L

Maximum Shelf Life

9 Months

Source Type

Cow Milk



Added Preservatives


Dietary Preference



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