Brewffes Apple cider vinegar is manufactured from high quality Himalayan apples. It is unfiltered, Raw Unpasteurized with mother The Purest vinegar one could find. When the vinegar is matured it contains dark, cloudy, web like bacterial structure called mother of vinegar. It contains vitamins such as C, E, A, B1, B2, B6, Malic Acid, Acetic Acid, pectin, etc.The Cobweb like masses are loaded with umpteen health benefits as they contains live culture referred to as mother. Apple Cider Vinegar consist of 5 % acetic Acid which is known to increase absorption of vitamins , minerals & proteins by the human body. It is free from preservatives and used as Nourishing Tonic, Culinary wonder in kitchen & in households due to its unique alkalizing properties. Benefits : . Controls Fasting Sugar, hence great for those suffering from Diabetes. Effective treatments for Gout as it dissolves the Uric Acid present in joints. Finds application in preventing heart blockages Serves in treating all kinds of arthritic pain Retards the growth of cancer cells Cleanses bladder, kidney, blood, liver, gallbladder,etc Helps in digestion by alleviating acidity and gas Diminishes and vanishes pimples and Acne Exceptionally Good for Lymphatic System Regulates PH of skin Acts as detoxifiers for home Helps in regulating blood pressure, LDL Cholesterol Assist body to get rid of Candida Suitable remedy of constipation Cures hiccups Significant result in weight loss Gets rid of dandruff Helps in sugar metabolism Balances the entire inner body system Reduces prostate problem Relieves Asthma Soothes sun burnt skin Eases osteoporosis Combats chronic Fatigue Syndrome Acts as Natural After shave on face Fights infection
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