
ACCEPT ORGANIC Brown Sugar Sugar(500 g)

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SKU: 240479 Category:


This product in the display is 1qty of AcceptOrganic Brown Sugar weighing 1000grams each. It’s natural brown sugar with characteristic colour and rich flavour (Brown Sugar Nutritions). Its hygroscopic (able to absorb water) nature helps to retain moisture in baked goods. It contains more nutritive value than the raw sugar (Brown Sugar Benefits). At AcceptOrganic, we care about making you enjoy the food you love. We believe in transparency of ingredients and feel responsible to make you aware about how we source best of the ingredients and utilize them in making the most healthy range of products. We strive to create an ecosystem that promotes organic and sustainable living. From seed to plate, we promote and produce food that nourishes your body and tastes delicious. Healthy food that makes you happy!