
MuscleXP Fish Oil 1000mg – 330mg(90 No)

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SKU: 66981 Category:


We all try to be more health conscious and want to make sure that we are eating quality food that provides the vitamins and nutrients that will foster good health and long life. However, there are certain essential nutrients we need that the body cannot produce like Omega 3 essential fatty acids. And if you don’t eat fish rich in these nutrients the only way to get them is through supplements. MuscleXP Fish Oil is ideal for people who are seeking high quality Fish Oil at the best value. MuscleXP Fish Oil contains 330 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids per softgel including Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 120mg and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 180mg. Most of the health benefits of fish oil can be attributed to the presence of omega 3 essential fatty acids like Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Each softgel contains 1000mg fish oil which yields 330mg omega-3 fatty acids for an optimal health and high energy levels. Because of their smooth contour and shape, these softgels are very easy to swallow. IT ENHANCES YOUR OVERALL HEALTH and may also improve energy and endurance levels. So for an optimal health these fish oil supplements are a must in your daily diet. The product is manufcatured in approved GMP Certified facility and in the recommended dosage as desired by everyone.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Sales Package

1 Bottle Fish Oil Supplement



Model Name

Fish Oil 1000mg – 330mg

Model Number



90 No


Omega Fatty Acids/Fish Oil



Dietary Preference

Gluten Free



Maximum Shelf Life

24 Months

Container Type


Food Preference


Serving Size

1 No


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