
Easy Learning Build Android Apps Like an Expert Video Training DVD(DVD)

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONDuraion : 8.5 hours Over 81 Video LessonsAndroid Studio, get familiar with the tools1 Installing Android Studio 02:352 Creating a new project and basic concepts 04:313 SDK Manager 02:094 Launching our on App on the mobile and the emulator 05:195 (Optional) Genymotion and Android Studio Shortcuts 05:386 Excercise : Test your App on a 10″ Tablet 02:347 Android 5.0 Lollipop walkthrough 08:07An Android Project, the basics8 Project Structure and type of files 03:549 Android Resources 06:1710 Android Manifest 02:1111 Excercise : Change the name and icon of our App 02:30Your first App, show your progress!12 Android Views, first contact 04:5213 Your first crash and your first fix 04:4714 Your first Method 04:2015 Take a screenshot and share it! 03:12The key to be self sufficient learning Android16 Logs 04:3217 Debugging 04:4618 StackOverflow 06:1719 Import Android Samples 03:28App1. Starting with Views and Java20 Application 1. Overview 02:29The complete app source code is added in case you have any problem but try to do it yourself before looking at the solution ;)21 Views basics : LinearLayout and RelativeLayout 07:1522 Excercise : Create Main Screen 10:0023 Java basics 07:4224 Some motivation and Intents 05:3525 Creating the game screen 09:12App1. Basic programming26 Activity lifecycle 02:5127 Reading from a EditText 06:5828 Java If and Toasts 05:2329 Loops ( Java For ) 11:2130 Showing guessed letters 05:1231 Excercise: Failing a letter 06:1632 Excercise : Display failed letters 04:10App1. Game Logic, make it funny33 Winning the game and adding scores 07:1834 Game Over 05:0535 Excercise : Show the score 05:1236 Java Array 06:5337 Random 05:41App1. Multiplayer Game.38 Creating view on XML mode 05:2539 Sending the word 07:4440 Inflating a view 08:1041 Excercise : Activities Stack 04:22App1. Scores42 ScrollView 05:0043 Shared Preferences Write 08:2044 Shared Preferences Read 05:4745 Clearing the stack 03:02App2. Overview and first screens46 Introduction to our second app. 02:20Source code attached.47 Splash Screen 05:0248 Threads and Handlers 07:3249 Fragments 04:5050 ListView and Java List 05:5751 Adapters 07:30App2. Downloading data from the cloud 52Picasso and Maven 07:0153 creating our database 06:2154 Java Class and Constructor 03:4855 Retrieving data 07:2656 Excercise : Displaying data from 05:3557 ItemClickListener 03:5358 ViewPager 05:28App2. Navigation and Maps59 PagerTabStrip 03:5960 MapView I 09:5061 MapView II 04:0362 Adding items to the MapView 06:4863 Push Notifications 08:2564 Google AdMob 07:2965 Export your App 04:3366 Publish your App on Google Play Store06:19 SECTION 13:App3. Http, Rest API, SQLite67 Working on the next app. SQLite , REST APIs consumption, Android L features..Text68 Reddit REST API 03:3569 AsyncTask 10:4270 Http connection 09:4271 OKHTTP, synchronous and asynchronous 09:4372 Google Volley, connections management 08:0773 Design patterns. Singleton 07:4874 JSON and Gson 14:5575 Migrating to Android Studio 1.0 and Lollipo Emulator 07:2076 RecyclerView fundamentals and example 08:1477 ViewHolder implementation 08:2278 Database contract and Database Open Helper 14:5580 Database Acces Object DAO 10:4281 Reading from SQLite, Cursor 12:21

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Weight 0.5 kg

Fundamentals of Programming Languages


Build Android Apps

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Build Android Apps Like an Expert Video Training DVD


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Easy Learning

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5 GB

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Windows & MAC


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