Keva Bone Health Tablets is a 100% natural product and ideal for people of all age group. This product is produced under internationally acclaimed GMP regulations and is HALAL & KOSHER Certified showing its excellence in quality. Bone Health offers the right balance of Calcium to build strong bones & muscles along with Vitamin D3 which helps in better absorption of calcium. This product is shown to minimize the loss of bone mass and nutritionally support bone mineral density. Vitamin D3 in Bone Health helps the body to absorb and metabolize calcium. Bone Health is a great product for individuals who have – Increased need for nutrients such as women, children, adolescents and elderly people. Bone Health is the perfect combination of Calcium, Magnesium & Vitamin D3 that is required for strong bones, strong muscles and nerve activity. Together they not only enhance each other’s absorption and utilization in the body but also work in synergy to maintain good health, especially for the bones and teeth.
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