Waxy maize starch is a complex:: long-chain:: high molecular weight carbohydrate that is free of sugar and lactose. Our Waxy Maize Starch has a high percentage of Amylopectin (95-99%) and a low percentage of Amylose (1-5%). Amylopectin molecules are larger:: heavier and easier for the stomach to digest. Therefore:: foods that have little Amylose and lots of Amylopectin are more rapidly digested and absorbed. Waxy maize starch has a much higher molecular weight than dextrose and maltodextrin:: as a result it therefore passes through the stomach much faster:: eliminating the risk of stomach discomfort. Not only this:: but WMS acts like a pump:: pulling the nutrients along with water into the body tissue at the correct speed and osmolality for your body to fully utilise. This means when consuming WMS there is no stomach cramping and no bloated feeling. Since WMS is absorbed so rapidly it can easily be consumed whenever a fast release of energy is required
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