Epic4Health HTN0357(500 mg)

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Carnitine has many important metabolic functions. It plays a very important role in fat metabolism. It is essential for transporting long-chain fatty acid molecules (acylCoA) from the cytosol into the mitochondria of cells in the form of acylcarnitine. The aylcarnitine is then shuttled across the inner mitochondrlal membrane where it is reconjugated to form acylCoA. The free carnitine molecule is then shuttled back to pick up another acyl moiety. This specialized transport mechanism which is tightly regulated is known as the “carnitine shuttle”. Thus carnitine supplies the necessary fuel for oxidation in the electron transport chain to produce vital biological energy as ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Carnitine is also involved in the formation of acylcarnitine from activated short-chain fatty acids (acylCoA) and thus protect against the accumulation of acylCoA that may be deleterious to the cell. Carnitine has also been shown to augment the aerobic metabolism of carbohydrates and enhance oxidative phosphorylation (Schonekess et al, 1995). Recent research indicates that carnitine also functions as a metabolic antioxidant. There is evidence to show that carnitine can counter the adverse effects of increased free radical production observed in a number of pathologic conditions. In addition to scavenging free radicals, carnitine can also chelate iron. Each serving size of 1 capsule provides 450 mg of L-Carnitine Fumerate (U.S. Patent No. 4,602,039) which delivers 250 mg of elemental Carnitine. It is the most stable Carnitine available and readily, the most bioavailable. It has been developed and patented by Sigma Tau, the largest pharmaceutical supplier of Carnitine, with 70% of the world’s research directed to Carnitine.

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Weight 0.5 kg


Model Name


Model Number



500 mg


Special Supplements



Dietary Preference


Food Preference





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